Passion/My Idea
인용 글들
2007. 6. 8. 14:51
Topology 관련
[Discovering Internet Topology]
- topology discovery에 대한 관심이 많다.
there is a considerable need for automatic discovery of network topology
- topology란
Network topology is a representation of the interconnection between directly connected peers in a network.
In a physical network topology, peers are ports on devices connected by a physical transmission link.
- 수동 현행화는 불편함
Keeping track of network topology manually is a frustrating and often impossible job.
- 네트워크 관리에서 토폴로지의 필요성
Network Management : Network topology information is useful in deciding whether to add new routers and to figure out whether current hardware is configured correctly. It also allows network managers to find bottlenecks and failures in the network.
- SNMP가 동작한다는 가정
This algorithm is the simplest because it assumes that SNMP is available everywhere in the domain.
- 이웃 노드를 찾는 방법 (ipRouteTable)
we find neighboring routers from that router's ipRouteTable MIB entry.
- 호스트 찾는 방법(ARP)
Hosts are obtained from the router's ARP table entries.
[Topology Discovery in Heterogeneous IP Networks:The NetInventory System]
- topology란
Physical network topology refers to the characterization of the physical connectivity relationships that exist among entities in a communication network.
- topology의 활용
Discovering the physical layout an interconnections of network elements is a prerequisite to many critical network management tasks, including reactive and proactive resource management, server siting, event correlation, and root-cause analysis.
- 분석에 사용
A full physical map of the network enables a proactive analysis of the impact of link and device failure.
- 수동 현행화는 귀찮은 일이다.
Given the dynamic nature and the ever-increasing complexity of today's IP networks, keeping track of topology information manually is a daunting (if not impossible) task.
- 알고리즘 설명 (1단계 최초 ip를 알고 있다)
We assume that we know the IP address of at least one router, say, R1, in the administrative domain to bootstrap this process
[Topology Discovery for Large Ethernet Networks]
- L2는 중요한데 찾기 어렵다. 할 수 없이 수동으로 한다.
Although network topology information, especially at the LAN level, is important for both the management and use of networks, it is very difficult ot obtain such information. The majority of network-management tools rely only on IP-level discovery of routers and require the network management to enter level 2 devices such as Ethernet switches manually, without providing facilities for topology discovery.
- 토폴로지 정보는 분석의 기초 데이터다
Knowledge of network topology can play an important role in analyzing, engineering, and visualizing network performance.
- 토폴로지는 분석의 기초 정보다
The topology is critical for hot spot detection and root cause analysis.
[Discovering Internet Topology]
- topology discovery에 대한 관심이 많다.
there is a considerable need for automatic discovery of network topology
- topology란
Network topology is a representation of the interconnection between directly connected peers in a network.
In a physical network topology, peers are ports on devices connected by a physical transmission link.
- 수동 현행화는 불편함
Keeping track of network topology manually is a frustrating and often impossible job.
- 네트워크 관리에서 토폴로지의 필요성
Network Management : Network topology information is useful in deciding whether to add new routers and to figure out whether current hardware is configured correctly. It also allows network managers to find bottlenecks and failures in the network.
- SNMP가 동작한다는 가정
This algorithm is the simplest because it assumes that SNMP is available everywhere in the domain.
- 이웃 노드를 찾는 방법 (ipRouteTable)
we find neighboring routers from that router's ipRouteTable MIB entry.
- 호스트 찾는 방법(ARP)
Hosts are obtained from the router's ARP table entries.
[Topology Discovery in Heterogeneous IP Networks:The NetInventory System]
- topology란
Physical network topology refers to the characterization of the physical connectivity relationships that exist among entities in a communication network.
- topology의 활용
Discovering the physical layout an interconnections of network elements is a prerequisite to many critical network management tasks, including reactive and proactive resource management, server siting, event correlation, and root-cause analysis.
- 분석에 사용
A full physical map of the network enables a proactive analysis of the impact of link and device failure.
- 수동 현행화는 귀찮은 일이다.
Given the dynamic nature and the ever-increasing complexity of today's IP networks, keeping track of topology information manually is a daunting (if not impossible) task.
- 알고리즘 설명 (1단계 최초 ip를 알고 있다)
We assume that we know the IP address of at least one router, say, R1, in the administrative domain to bootstrap this process
[Topology Discovery for Large Ethernet Networks]
- L2는 중요한데 찾기 어렵다. 할 수 없이 수동으로 한다.
Although network topology information, especially at the LAN level, is important for both the management and use of networks, it is very difficult ot obtain such information. The majority of network-management tools rely only on IP-level discovery of routers and require the network management to enter level 2 devices such as Ethernet switches manually, without providing facilities for topology discovery.
- 토폴로지 정보는 분석의 기초 데이터다
Knowledge of network topology can play an important role in analyzing, engineering, and visualizing network performance.
- 토폴로지는 분석의 기초 정보다
The topology is critical for hot spot detection and root cause analysis.