HBase project creation in Eclipse
2012. 4. 9. 15:12
This example shows how to create hbase project in Eclipse.
Step 1. Open new java project
File -> New -> Java Project
Step 2. Enter project name (ex. SnortTable)
-> Click "Next" for load external library
Step 3. Add External JARs for compile
. hbase-xxx.jar (in $HBASE_HOME)
. common-logging-xxx.jar (in $HBASE_HOME/lib)
. log4j-xxx.jar (in $HBASE_HOME/lib)
. zookeeper-xxx.jar (in $HBASE_HOME/lib)
. hadoop-core-xxx.jar in $HBASE_HOME/lib)
End of project creation
You can see project files in "Project Explorer"
Ref: http://thinkasgeek.wordpress.com/2011/03/25/hbase-and-eclispe-ide-integration/