CloudStack python openapi
Python 코딩에 대한 상당한 이해도를 가지고 있는 것 같다.
def make_request_with_auth(self, command, requests={}):
requests["command"] = command
requests["apiKey"] = self.apiKey
requests["response"] = "json"
request = zip(requests.keys(), requests.values())
request.sort(key=lambda x: str.lower(x[0]))
requestUrl = "&".join(["=".join([r[0], urllib.quote_plus(str(r[1]))]) for r in request])
hashStr = "&".join(["=".join([str.lower(r[0]), str.lower(urllib.quote_plus(str(r[1]))).replace("+", "%20")]) for r in request])
sig = urllib.quote_plus(base64.encodestring(, hashStr, hashlib.sha1).digest()).strip())
requestUrl += "&signature=%s"%sig
self.connection = urllib2.urlopen("http://%s:%d/client/api?%s"%(self.mgtSvr, self.port, requestUrl))
if self.logging is not None:
self.logging.debug("sending GET request: %s"%requestUrl)
response =
if self.logging is not None:"got response: %s"%response)
except IOError, e:
if hasattr(e, 'reason'):
if self.logging is not None:
self.logging.critical("failed to reach %s because of %s"%(self.mgtSvr, e.reason))
elif hasattr(e, 'code'):
if self.logging is not None:
self.logging.critical("server returned %d error code"%e.code)
except httplib.HTTPException, h:
if self.logging is not None:
self.logging.debug("encountered http Exception %s"%h.args)
if self.retries > 0:
self.retries = self.retries - 1
self.make_request_with_auth(command, requests)
self.retries = 5
raise h
return response