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The list is categorized as RFCs, InternetDrafts, Internet Documents, Articles,Presentations,ImplementationDocuments and Papers. [I-1] J. Heinanen, F. Baker, W. Weiss, J. Wroclawski, "AssuredForwarding PHB Group," RFC2597, June 1999. [I-2] V. Jacobson, K. Nichols, K. Poduri, "AnExpedited Forwarding PHB," RFC2598, June 1999. [I-3] K. Nichols, S. Blake, F. Baker, D. Black, "Definitionof the Defferentiated Services Field (DS Field) in the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers,"RFC2474, Dec. 1998. [I-4] S. Black et al., "AnArchitecture for Differentiated Services," RFC2475, Dec. 1998. [I-5] K. Nichols, V. Jacobson, L. Zhang, "ATwo-bit Differentiated Services Architecture for the Internet," Internetdraft, ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/papers/dsarch.pdf,Nov. 1997, Also RFC2638, July 1999. [I-7] B. Braden et al., "Recommendationson Queue Management and Congestion Avoidance in the Internet," RFC2309, April 1998. [I-8] R. Braden, D. Clark, S. Shenker, "IntegratedServices in the Internet Architecture: an Overview," RFC 1633, June1994. [I-9] J. Wroclawski, "Specificationof the Controlled-Load Network Element Service," RFC 2211, Sept. 1997. [I-10] S. Shenker, C. Partridge, R. Guerin, "Specificationof Guranteed Quality of Service," RFC 2212, Sept. 1997. [I-11] A. Mankin, B. Braden, S. Bradner, M. O'Dell, A. Romanow, A. Weinrib,L. Zhang, "ResourceReServation Protocol (RSVP) Version 1 Applicability Statement Some Guidlineson Deployment," RFC 2208, Sept. 1997. [I-12] D. Durham et al, "TheCOPS (Common Open Policy Service) Protocol," RFC2748, Jan. 2000. [I-13] J. Heinanen, R. Guerin, "ASingle Rate Three Color Marker," RFC 2697, Sept. 1999. [I-14] J. Heinanen, R. Guerin, "ATwo Rate Three Color Marker," RFC 2698, Sept. 1999. [I-15] S. Brim, B. Carpenter, F. Le Faucheur, "Per Hop Behavior Identification Codes," RFC 2836, May 2000 [I-16] D. Black, "Differentiated Services and Tunnels," RFC 2983, October 2000 II- Internet Drafts: [II-1] Y. Bernet et al., "AFramework for Differentiated Services," Internet Draft, draft-ietf-diffserv-framework-02.txt,Feb. 1999. [II-2] Y. Bernet, D. Durham, F. Reichmeyer, "Requirementsfor Diff-Serv Boundary Routers," Internet Draft, draft-bernet-diffedge-01.txt,Nov. 1998. [II-3] Y. Bernet, A. Smith, S. Blake, "An Informal Management Model for Diffserv Routers," Internet Draft. IETF DiffservWorking Group, draft-ietf-diffserv-model-06.txt. Feb. 2001. [II-4] D. Grossman, "NewTerminology for Diffserv," Internet Draft, draft-ietf-diffserv-new-terms-03.txt,August 2000. [II-5] F. Baker, K. Chan, A. Smith, "ManagementInformation Base for the Differentiated Services Architecture," (MIBDraft), Internet Draft draft-ietf-diffserv-mib-09.txt, March 2001. [II-6] K. Nichols, B. Carpenter, "Format for Diffserv Working GroupTraffic Conditioner Drafts," Internet Draft, draft-ietf-diffserv-traffcon-format-00.txt,Feb. 1999. [II-7] D. Black, "DifferentiatedServices and Tunnels," Internet Draft, draft-ietf-diffserv-tunnels-00.txt,Feb. 2000. [II-8] K. Kilkki, J.Ruutu, "InteroperabilityPHB Group," Internet Draft, draft-kilkki-diffserv-interoperability-00.txt,Oct. 1999. [II-9] F. Reichmeyer, L. Ong, A. Terzis, L. Zhang, R. Yavatkar, "ATwo-Tier Resource Management Model for Differentiated Services Networks,"Internet Draft, draft-rotzy-2-tier-management-00.txt, Nov. 1998. [II-10] V. Jacobson, K. Nichols, K. Poduri, "The'Virtual Wire' Behavior Aggregate," Internet Draft, draft-ietf-difserv-ba-vw-00.txt(PDF),March 2000. [II-11] K. Nichols, B. Carpenter, "Definitionof Differentiated Services Behavior Aggregates and Rules for their Specification,"Internet Draft, draft-ietf-diffserv-ba-def-01.txt, Feb. 2000. [II-12] Y. Bernet, R. Yavatkar, P. Ford, F. Baker, L. Zhang, "A Frameworkfor End-to-End QoS Combining RSVP/Intserv and Differentiated Services,"Internet Draft, draft-bernet-intdiff-00.txt, March 1998. [II-13] P. Ford, Y. Bernet, "Integrated Services Over DifferentiatedServices," Internet Draft, draft-ford-issll-diff-svc-00.txt, March 1998. [II-14] D. Ahlard, J. Bergkvist, I. Cselenyi, T. Engborg, "Boomerang- A Simple Resource Reservation Framework for IP," Internet Draft, draft-ahlard-boomerang-framework-00.txt,Feb. 1999. [II-15] W. Fang, N. Seddigh, B. Nandy, "ATime Sliding Window Three Colour Marker (TSWTCM)," Internet Draft,draft-fang-diffserv-tc-tswtcm-01.txt, March 2000. [II-16] O. Bonaventure, S. De Cnodder, "Arate adaptive shaper for differentiated services," Internet Draft,draft-bonaventure-diffserv-rashaper-02.txt, April 2000. [II-17] J. Ibanez, K. Nichols,"PreliminarySimulation Evaluation of an Assured Service," IETF draft, draft-ibanez-diffserv-assured-eval-00.pdf,August 1998. [II-18] N. Seddigh, B. Nandy, P. Pieda,"Studyof TCP and UDP Interaction for AF PHB," IETF draft, draft-nsbnpp-diffserv-udptcpaf-01.pdf,August 1999. [II-19] M. Goyal, A. Durresi, R. Jain, C. Liu,"PerformanceAnalysis of Assured Forwarding," IETF draft, draft-goyal-diffserv-afstdy-00.pdf,Feb. 2000. [II-20] A. Feroz, A. Rao, X. Lu, S. Kalyanaraman,"TCP-FriendlyTraffic Conditioners for Differentiated Services," IETF draft, draft-azeem-tcpfriendly-diffserv-00.txt,Sep. 1999. [II-21] H. Naser, A.Leon-Garcia, O. Aboul-Magd, "Voiceover Differentiated Services," IETF draft, draft-naser-voice-diffserv-eval-00.ps,December 1998. [II-22] H. Kim, "AFair Marker," IETF draft, draft-kim-fairmarker-diffserv-00.txt, April1999. [II-23] D. Clark, J. Wroclawski, "An Approach to Service Allocationin the Internet," IETF draft, draft-clark-diff-svc-alloc-00.txt, July 1997. [II-24] J. Heinanen, R. Guerin, "AThree Color Marker," Internet draft, draft-heinanen-diffserv-tcm-01.txt,Feb. 1999. Model, MIB, Policy: [II-25] "Information Model for Describing Network Device QoS Mechanisms forDifferentiated Services", draft-ietf-policy-qos-device -info-model-02.txt, Nov.2000. [II-26] "The DiffServ Policy MIB", draft-ietf-snmpconf-diffpolicy-03.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-27] "Differentiated Services Quality of Service Policy Information Base",draft-ietf-diffserv-pib-02.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-28] "Definition of Differentiated Services Per Domain Behaviors and Rules fortheir Specification", draft-ietf-diffserv-pdb-def-01.txt, Oct. 2000. Per-Domain Behaviors (PDBs): [II-29] "The 'Virtual Wire' Per Domain Behavior - Analysis and Extensions",draft-mercankosk-diffserv-pdb-vw-00.txt, Jul. 2000. [II-30] "A Lower Than Best-Effort Per-Hop Behavior",draft-bless-diffserv-lbe-phb-00.txt, Sep. 1999. [II-31] "A Bulk Handling Per-Domain Behavior for Differentiated Services",draft-ietf-diffserv-pdb-bh-02.txt, Jan. 2001. [II-32] " An Assured Rate Per-Domain Behavior for Differentiated Services",draft-ietf-seddigh-pdb-ar-00.txt, Nov. 2000. MPLS and Traffic Engineering support for Diffserv: [II-33] "MPLS support of Differentiated Services",draft-ietf-mpls-diff-ext-07.txt, Aug. 2000. [II-34] "Requirements for support of Diff-Serv-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering",draft-ietf-mpls-diff-te-reqts-00.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-35] "Extensions to ISIS for support of Diff-Serv-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering",draft-lefaucheur-diff-te-isis-00.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-36] "Extensions to RSVP-TE and CR-LDP for support of Diff-Serv-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering",draft-ietf-mpls-diff-te-ext-00.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-37] "Extensions to OSPF for support of Diff-Serv-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering",draft-lefaucheur-diff-te-ospf-00.txt, Nov. 2000. EF Redifined: [II-38] "EF PHB Redefined", draft-charny-ef-definition-01.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-39] " A rvised expression of the Expedited Forwarding PHB",draft-ietf-diffserv-efresolve-00.txt, Nov. 2000. SLS in TEQUILA/AQUILA: [II-40] "Service Level Specification and Usage Framework",draft-manyfolks-sls-framework-00.txt, Oct. 2000. [II-41] "Service Level Soecification Semantics, Parameters and negotiationrequirements", draft-tequila-diffserv-sls-00.txt, Jul. 2000. [II-42] "Service Level Specification Semantics and Parameters",draft-tequila-sls-00.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-43] "Definition and usage of SLSs in the AQUILA consortium",draft-salsano-aquila-sls-00.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-44] " Service Level Specification for Inter-domain QoS Negotiaiton",draft-somefolks-sls-00.txt, Nov. 2000. Varieties: [II-45] "Stateless Prioritirized Fair Queueing",draft-venkitaraman-diffserv-spfq-00.txt, Jul. 2000. [II-46] "IP Multicast in Differentiated Services Networks",draft-bless-diffserv-multicast-01.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-47] "Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement for the Expedited ForwardingPer-Hop Behavior", draft-eurescom-p100-ef-pics-00.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-48] "Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement for the Assured ForwardingPer-Hop Behavior", draft-eurescom-p100-af-pics-00.txt, Nov. 2000. [II-49] "Use of RSVP for Differentiated Services Signaling and Admission Control",draft-rk-diffserv-rsvp-sig-00.txt, Jun. 2000. [II-50] "Policy-Based Differentiated Services on AIX",draft-mehra-diffserv-aix-00.txt, Jul. 2000. III- Internet Documents: [III-1] J. Sikora, B. Teitelbaum, "Differentiated Services for Internet2,"Internet2 QoS Working Group Draft, http://www.internet2.edu/qos/wg/ [III-2] B. Teitelbaum, "Qbone Architecture (v1.0)", Internet2 QoS WorkingGroup Draft, [III-3] B. Teitelbaum, T. Hanss, "QoS Requirements for Internet2," Internet2QoS Working Group Draft, http://www.internet2.edu/qos/wg/ [III-4] K. Nichols, "Using Premium Services to Provide Internet2 QoS,"Internet2 QoS Working Group Draft, http://www.internet2.edu/qos/wg/ [IV-1] B. Carpenter, D. Kandlur, "Diversifying Internet Delivery," IEEESpectrum, Nov. 1999. [IV-2] N. Bhatti, R. Friedrich, "Web Server Support for Tiered Services,"IEEE Networks, Sep./Oct. 1999. [IV-3] R. Rajan, D. Verma, S. Kamat, E. Felstaine, S. Herzog, "A PolicyFramework for Integrated and Duifferentiated Services in the Internet,"IEEE Networks, Sep./Oct. 1999. [IV-4] B. Teitelbaum, S. Hares, L. Dunn, R. Neilson, V. Narayan, F,Reichmeyer, "Internet2 Qbone: Building a Testbed for Differentiated Services,"IEEE Networks, Sep./Oct. 1999. [IV-5] C. Dovrolis, P. Ramanathan, "A Case for Relative DifferentiatedServices and Proportional Differentiation Model," IEEE Networks, Sep./Oct.1999. [IV-6] L. Zhang, S. Deering, D. Estrin, S. Shenker, D. Zappala, "RSVP:A New Resource ReSerVation Protocol," IEEE Network, Sep. 1993. [IV-7] R. Edell, P. Varaiya, "Providing Internet Access: What We Learnfrom INDEX," IEEE Network, Sep./Oct. 1999, pp. 18-25. [IV-8] A. Neogi, T. Chiueh, P. Stripe, "Performance Analysis of an RSVP-CapableRouter," IEEE Network, Sep./Oct. 1999, pp. 56-63. [IV-9] G. Apostolopoulos, R. Guerin, S. Kamat, A. Orda, S. Tripathi,"Intradomain QoS Routing in IP Networks: A Feasability and Cost/BenefitAnalysis," IEEE Network, Sep./Oct. 1999, pp. 42-54. [IV-10] A. Stephenson, "Diffserv and MPLS: A Quality Choice," Data Communications,Nov. 1998, pp.73-77. V- Presentations: [V-1] Z. Wang, "Scalable Service Allocation for the Internet, "Presentation,Bell Labs Lucent Technologies, IETF-diffserv. ??? [V-2] S. Blake, "Differentiated Services Framework: Proposed Outlines,"Presentation, IBM Microelectronics, LA IETF, March 1998. [V-3] H. Zhang, "Qualityof Service for Traffic Aggregates", University of Virginia Top GunLecture Series, Oct 1998. [V-4] R. Guerin, "Quality of Service in IP Networks," Tutorial Handoutfor the 6th IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium, WashingtonD.C., May 30, 2000. VI- Implementation Documents: [VI-1] R. Neilson, J. Wheeler, F. Reichmeyer, S. Hares, "ADiscussion of Bandwidth Broker Reequirements for Interne2 Qbone Deployment-Version 0.7," Internet2 Qbone BB Advisory Council, BB Requirments,v 0.7, August 1999. [VI-2] "CA*netII Differentiated Services - Bandwidth Broker TransferProtocol," British Columbia Institute of Technology, Nov. 1998. [VI-3] "CA*netII Differentiated Services - Bandwidth Broker High-LevelDesign," British Columbia Institute of Technology, Nov. 1998. [VI-4] "CA*netII Differentiated Services - Bandwidth Broker System Specification,"British Columbia Institute of Technology, Oct. 1998. [VII-1] A. Terzis, J. Ogawa, S. Tsui, L. Wang, L. Zhang, "A PrototypeImplementation of the Two-Tier Architecture for Differentiated Services,"IEEE Workshop on QoS Support for Real-Time Internet Application in conjunctionwith RTAS, June 1999. [VII-2] C. Dovrolis, D. Stiliadis, P. Ramanathan, "Proportional DifferentiatedServices: Delay Differentiation and Packet Scheduling," SIGCOMM 1999. [VII-3] W. Feng, K. Shin, "BuildingPredictable Services Using AF," ????? [VII-4] W. Feng, D. KAndlur, D. Saha, K. Shin, "Adaptive Packet Markingfor Maintaining End-to-End Throughput in a Differentiated-Services Internet,"IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, v.7, n.5, Oct. 1999. [VII-5] S. Sahu, P. Nain, D. Towsley, C. Diot, V. Firoiu, "OnAchievable Service Differentiation with Token Bucket Marking for TCP,"ACM SIGMETRICS'00 (Santa Clara, CA, June 2000), and UMASS CMPSCI technicalreport 99-72. [VII-6] D.D. Clark and W. Fang, "Explicit Allocation of Best-EffortPacket Delivery Service," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. 6(4):362-373,Aug. 1998. [VII-7] I. Stoica and H. Zhang, "Providing Guaranteed Services Withoutper Flow Management," Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM'99, pages 81-94, Aug. 1999. [VII-8] S. Jamin, P. B. Danzig, S. J. Shenker, and L. Zhang, "A Measurement-basedAdmission Control Algorithm for Integrated Services Packet Networks (ExtendedVersion)," ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 5(1):56-70, Feb. 1997. [VII-9] D.D. Clark, S.J. Shenker, and L. Zhang, "Supporting Real-TimeApplications in an Integrated Services Packet Network: Architecture andMechanism," Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM '92, pages 14-26, Aug. 1992. [VII-10] A. Demers, S. Keshav, and S.J. Shenker, "Analysis and Simulationof a Fair Queueing Algorithm," Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM '89, pages 1-12, Sep.1989. [VII-11] M. Andrews, "Probabilistic End-to-End Delay Bounds for EarliestDeadline First Scheduling," INFOCOM 2000. [VII-12] V. Sivaraman, F. Chiussi, "Providing End-to-End StatisticalDelay Guarantees with Earliest Deadline First Scheduling and Per-Hop TrafficShapping," INFOCOM 2000. [VII-13] D. Wrege, J. Liebeherr, "A Near-Optimal Packet Schedular forQoS Networks," INFOCOM 1997. [VII-14] W. Feng, D. KAndlur, D. Saha, K. Shin, "BLUE: A New Class ofActive Queue Managment Algorithms," Univ. of Michigan Technical Report,CSE-TR-387-99, Apr. 1999 [VII-15] S. Floyd, V. Jacobson, "Link-Sharing and Resource ManagementModels for Packet Networks," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, v.3,n.4, Aug. 1995. [VII-16] R. Guerin, S. Kamat, V. Peris, R. Rajan, "Scalable QoS ProvisionThrough Buffer Management," SIGCOMM 1998. [VII-17] A. Elwalid, D. Mitra, "Traffic Shaping at a Network Node: Theory,Optimum Design, Admission Control," INFOCOM 1997. [VII-18] L. Breslau, S. Shenker, "Best-Effort versus Reservations: ASimple Comparative Analysis," SIGCOMM 1998. [VII-19] V. Elek, G. Karlsson, R. Ronngren, "Admission Control Basedon End-to-End Measurements," INFOCOM 2000. [VII-20] W. Lin, R. Zheng, J. Hou, "How to Make Assured Service MoreAssured," ICNP'99. [VII-21] I. Stoica, H. Zhang, "LIRA: An Approach for Service Differentiationin the Internet," Proc. of NOSSDAV'98, Cambridge, England, July 1998, pp.115-128. [VII-22] M. Hou, H. Mouftah, "Investigation of Permium Service UsingDifferentiated Services IP," Computer Communications, vol. 22, 1999, pp.1283-1295 [VII-23] B. Lee, M. Zhang, R. Smith, "A Framework for IP QoS ServiceModel and Performance Evaluation," RTAS'99 workshop. [VII-24] Y. Tamura, Y. Tobe, H. Tokuda, "NBQ: Neighbor-state Based Queuingfor Adaptive Bandwidth Sharing," ICNP'99. [VII-25] H. Adiseshu, G Parulkar, "A State Management Protocol for IntServ,DiffServ and Label Switching," ICNP'98. [VII-26] G. Feher, K. Nemeth, M. Maliosz, I. Cselenyi, J. Bergkvist,D. Ahlard, T. Engborg, "Boomerang - A Simple Protocol for Resource Reservationin IP Networks," IEEE Workshop on QoS Support for Real-Time Internet Applicationin conjunction with RTAS, June 1999. [VII-27] T. Do et al., "ELISA: European Linkage between Internet Integratedand Differentiated Services over ATM," RTAS'99 Workshop, pp.114-121. [VII-28] Loukola M.V., Skytta J.O., "Differentiated Services over ATM,"RTAS'99 Workshop, pp.122-126. [VII-29] S. Karandikar, S. Kalyanaraman, P. Bagal, "TCP Rate Control,"Computer Communication Review, V.30, No.1, Jan. 2000, pp. 45-58, also inACM SIGCOMM'98. [VII-30] J. Padhye, V. Firoiu, D. Towsley, J. Kurose, "Modeling TCPThroughput: A Simple Model and its Empirical Validation," ACM SIGCOMM'98. [VII-31] J. Semke, J. Mahdavi, M. Mathis, "Automatic TCP Buffer Tuning,"ACM SIGCOMM'98. [VII-32] M. Girish, J. Hu, "Modeling and Analysis of Internet DifferentiatedServices Traffic," Proc. of SPIE - The Int'l Society for Optical Engineering,V. 3696, 1999. [VII-33] F. Borgonovo, A. Capone, L. Fratta, C. Petrioli, "VBR bandwidth-guranteedservices over DiffServ networks," RTAS'99 workshop, pp. 16-22, 1999. [VII-34] S. Giordano, J. Boudec, "The Renegotiable Variable Bit RateService: characterisation and prototyping," RTAS'99 workshop, pp. 100-107. [VII-35] Z. Zhang, Z. Duan, Y. Hou., "VirtualTime Reference System: A Unifying Scheduling Framework for Scalable Supportof Guaranteed Services," Techical Report 00-027, Computer SciencesDepartment, University of Minnesota, Sep. 1999. Also in IEEE Journal onSelected Area in Communications, Special Issue on Internet QoS, 2000. [VII-36] E. Kusmierek, R. Koodli, "RandomPacket Marking for Differentiated Services," Technical Report TR-00-020,Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota, 2000. [VII-37] S. De Cnodder, "RateAdaptive Shapers for Data Traffic in DiffServ Networks," NetWorld+Interop2000 Engineers Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, May 10-11, 2000. [VII-38] P. Tang, T. Tai, "NetworkTraffic Characterization Using Token Bucket Model," IEEE INFOCOM'99. [VII-39] I. Yeom, A. Reddy, "Realizing Throughput Guarantees in a DifferentiatedServices Network," 6th International Conf. on Multimedia Computing andSystems Proc. 1999 - IEEE ICMCS'99, v.2, pp 372-376, 1999. [VII-40] S. Sahu, D. Towsley, J. Kurose, "A Quantitative Study of DifferentiatedServices for the Internet," UMass CMPSCI Technical Report 99-09. Also inProc. of IEEE Global Internet, GLOBECOM'99, Rio De Janiero, pp. 1808-1817,Dec. 1999. [VII-41] Y. Hou et al., "A differentiated services architecture formultimedia streaming in next generation Internet," Computer Networks, vol.32, (2000), pp.185-209. [VII-42] M. May, J. Bolot, A. Jean-Marie, C. Diot, "SimplePerformance Models of Differentiated Services Schemes for the Internet,"IEEE INFOCOM'99. [VII-43] H. Zhang, "Service Disciplines for Guaranteed Performance Servicein Packet-Switching Networks," Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 83, No. 10, October1995. [VII-44] V. Firoiu, M. Borden, "AStudy of Active Queue Management for Congestion Control," IEEEINFOCOM'00. [VII-45] N. Seddigh, B. Nandy, P. Pieda,"BandwidthAssurance Issues for TCP flows in a Differentiated Services Network,"IEEE GLOBECOM 1999, March 1999. [VII-46] I. Yeom, A. Reddy,"Imapct of marking strategy on aggregatedflows in a differentiated services network," IWQoS'99, May 1999. [VII-47] W. Feng, D. Kandlur, D. Saha, K. Shin,"Understandingand Improving TCP Performance over Networks with Minimum Rate Guarantees,"IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Apr. 1999. [VII-48] W. Feng, D. Kandlur, D. Saha, K. Shin,"UnderstandingTCP Dynamics in an Integrated Services Internet," Proc. of the 7thInt'l Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audioand Video (NOSSDAV 97), May 1997. [VII-49] A. Feroz, A. Rao, S. Kalyanaraman,"ATCP-Friendly Traffic Marker for IP Differentiated Services," IWQoS2000, June 2000. [VII-50] J. Rezende,"AssuredService Evaluation," IEEE GLOBECOM'99. [VII-51] W. Fang, L. Peterson,"TCPmechanisms for Diff-Serv Architecture," Princeton University, CS Dept.,Technical Report TR-605-99. [VII-52] I. Yeom, A. Reddy,"ModelingTCP Behavior in a Differentiated Services Network," Texas A&M UniveristyECE Technical Report, May 1999. [VII-53] R. Satyavolu, K. Duvedi, S. Kalyanaraman, P. Bagal,"Techniquesfor Explicit Feedback Control of TCP," unpublished technical reportin Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Also in ATM Forum document numberATM_Forum/98-0152R1,Feb. 1998. http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/shivkuma/ [VII-54] W. Feng, D. Kandlur, D. Saha, K. Shin,"Adaptive Packet Markingfor Maintaining End-to-End Throughput in a Differentiated-Services Internet,"IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 7, No. 5, October 1999. [VII-55] R. Liao, A. Campbell, "Dynamic Edge Provisioning for Core IPNetworks, " Proc. of the 8th International Workshop on Quality of Service,IEEE IWQoS 2000, Pittsburgh. PA, USA, June 2000. [VII-56] R. Bless, K. Wehrle, "Evaluation of Differentiated Servicesusing an Implementation under Linux," Proc. of IFIP International Workshopon Quality of Service, London, June 1999. [VII-57] W. Almesberger, "Linux Network Traffic Control - ImplementationOverview," Proc. 5th Annual Linux Expo, Raleigh, NC, pp. 153-164, May 1999. [VII-58] W. Almesberger, J. Hadi-Salim, A. Kuznetsov, "DifferentiatedServices on Linux," Jan 2000, http://icawww1.epfl.ch/linux-diffserv/ [VII-59] O. Schelen, S. Pink, "AnAgent-based Architecture for Advance Reservations," Proc. of the 22ndAnnual Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'97), 1997. [VII-60] M. Gunter, T. Braun, "Evaluation of Bandwidth Broker Signaling,"ICNP'99. [VII-61] B. Nandy, N. Seddigh, P. Pieda, "Diffserv'sAssured Forwarding PHB: What Assurance does the Customer Have?," The9th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems support forDigital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV'99), New Jersey, June 1999. [VII-62] R. Makkar, I. Lambadaris, J. Hadi-Salim, N. Seddigh, B Nandy,J. Babiarz, "EmpiricalStudy of Buffer Management Schemes for Diffserv Assured Forwarding PHB,"Nortel Copmuting Technology Lab (CTL) Technical Report, May 2000. [VII-63] P. Pieda, N. Seddigh, B. Nandy, "TheDynamics of TCP and UDP Interaction in IP-QoS Differentiated Services Networks,"The 3rd Canadian Conference on Broadband Research, November 1999. [VII-64] N. Seddigh, B. Nandy, P. Pieda, J. Hadi-Salim, A.Chapman, "AnExperimental Study of Assured Services in a Diffserv IP QoS Network,"SPIE symposium on Voice, Video and Data Communications, Boston, November1998. [VII-65] R. Gibbens et al., "AnApproach to Service Level Agreements for IP Networks with DifferentiatedServices," http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~richard/research/papers/sla/,January 2000. [VII-66] K. Chang, V. Kapoor, E. Kusmierek, C. Wighe," Comparison ofPacket Marking Schemes in Differentiated Services," University ofMinnesota, Depratment of CSE Technical Report CS-8221, (MS-WORDdocument) [VII-67] B. Nandy, N. Seddigh, P. Pieda, J. Ethridge, "IntelligentTraffic Conditioners for Assured Forwarding Based Differentiated ServicesNetworks," In Proc. of High Performance Networking Conference (HPN2000), Paris, France, May 2000. [VII-68] F. Li, N. Seddigh, B. Nandy, D. Malute, "AnEmpirical Study of Today's Internet Traffic for Differentiated ServicesIP QoS," Proc. of ISCC 2000. [VII-69] A. Basu, Z. Wang, "AComparative Study of Schemes for Differentiated Services," Bell labstechnical report, August 1998. [VII-70] D. Lin, R. Morris, "Dynamicsof Random Early Detection," Proc. of SIGCOMM'97, August 1997. [VII-71] M. Mathis, J. Senske, J. Mahdavi, T. Ott, "TheMacroscopic Behavior of the TCP congestion Avoidance Algorithms," ComputerCommunication Review, 27(3), July 1997. |
Mohamed El Gendy< mgendy@eecs.umich.edu >
Last modified: Thursday March 22 23:37 EST 2001