
[Review] Ultra-high-speed Network Monitoring and Recording

sunshout 2012. 7. 25. 14:45


100G Network 가 보편화 될 것이고, 이에 대한 ISP 와 Service Provider는 감시 와 risk management를 위해서 모니터링이 필요함

하지만 100G 네트워크의 real-time 모니터링을 위한 상용 장비는 고가 이거나 여전히 기술적 hudle이 존재한다.

이를 해결하기 위한 방법으로는 distributed approach가 필요하다.


- 100G 네트워크의 보편화

Recent research conducted by Ciena networks, and highlighted in a recent Light Reading  webinar, indicates that out of sample of 232 carrierss more than 25% had already made purchasing decisions relating to 100G, and 56.4% were expecting to make decisions during 2011,2012 and 2013.

- 고객의 요구사항

Organizations have a need, if not a legal obligation, to be able to monitor, measure and record every packet traversing the network so they can manage risk, protect corporate reputation and stay compliant with gorvernment mandated stardards such as PCI and HIPAA.

