1.1 NASM intro
¡ NASM Installation
CentOS Install
yum install nasm
Ubuntu Install
apt-get install nasm
¡ Hello World (hello.nasm)
global _start
section .text
mov eax, 4 ;sys_write
mov ebx, 1 ;stdout
mov ecx, message ;msg address
mov edx, length ;msg length
int 80h
mov eax, 1 ;sys_exit
mov ebx, 0 ;return 0
int 80h
section .data
message: db 'Hello, World!',0x0a
length: equ $-message ;NASM definition pseudo-instruction
¡ Compile Assembly program
64bit system
nasm -f elf64 -o hello.o hello.nasm
32bit system
nasm -f elf -o hello.o hello.nasm
¡ Link the machine code into ELF binary
ld -o hello hello.o
¡ run execution code
[root@tesla-xen nasm]# ls
hello hello.nasm hello.o
[root@tesla-xen nasm]# ./hello
Hello, World!
. Analyze assembly language and CPU ring state change (usermode to kernel mode)