LLDP : Link Layer Discovery Protocol
- LLDP is discovery protocol between two direct interface.
- for example, host A and L2 Switch
$ apt-get install lldp
- following result shows that gaus02 discovered a neighbor called "gaus01-m.ngvt.com"
- One of node's mac address become ChassisID
- If it has other ports, it listed in a Port
root@gaus02-m:~# lldpcli show neighbors
LLDP neighbors:
Interface: eth1, via: LLDP, RID: 1, Time: 0 day, 00:00:14
ChassisID: mac a0:36:9f:15:a8:3e
SysName: gaus01-m.ngvt.com
SysDescr: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Linux 3.13.0-29-generic #53-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 4 21:00:20 UTC 2014 x86_64
Capability: Bridge, on
Capability: Router, off
Capability: Wlan, off
PortID: mac 90:e2:ba:35:ad:b0
PortDescr: p3p1
LLDP is useful for identify interface name of neighbor.
Port is directly connected interface. So p3p1 is directly connected interface with gaus02-m and my port which is directly connected interface is eth1.
Juniper Serios (show lldp neighbors)
root@ex4550> show lldp neighbors
Local Interface Parent Interface Chassis Id Port info System Name
xe-0/0/24.0 - 00:25:90:e5:62:52 p2p1 cnode25-m.testbed.net
xe-0/0/20.0 - 00:25:90:e5:62:52 p2p2 cnode25-m.testbed.net
me0.0 - 00:8e:f2:5a:d9:d2 2/g45
xe-0/0/15.0 - 90:b1:1c:9f:9e:2d p1p1 gateway-m
xe-0/0/8.0 - 90:b1:1c:9f:9e:2d p1p2 gateway-m
MIB-Tree lldpObjects (1.0.8802.
Juniper netconf : http://www.juniper.net/techpubs/en_US/junos14.1/information-products/topic-collections/junos-xml-ref-oper/index.html