# python MetaWeblog API : pymwa.py
# Author : Choonho Son (choonho.son@gmail.com)
# Copyright (C) 2007-, Choonho Son
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# See the file COPYING for a complete copy of the LGPL.
__version__ = "0.1"
import xmlrpclib
import sys
# metaWeblogapi interface URL
# TatterTools : http://www.example.com/tt/api
# About MetaWeblogAPI
# Reference http://www.xmlrpc.com/metaWeblogApi
# 1. entry point
# 1.1 newPost (blogid, username, password, struct, publish) returns string
# 1.2 editPost(postid, username, password, struct, publish) returns true
# 1.3 getPost (postid, username, password) returns struct
# 2. struct
# same with element in RSS 2.0
# -----------------------------------------------------
# Element Description Example
# -----------------------------------------------------
# title The title of item Venice Film Festival
# link The URL of the item http://nytimes.com/2004/12/07FEST.html
# description The item synopsis contents (in Blog API)
# author Email address oprah\@oxygen.net
# category
# comments
# enclosure Describes a media object
# that is attached to the item
# guid A string that uniquely
# itentifies the item
# pubData published data
# source The RSS channel that the item
# came from
# ****** In python, struct is dictionary ***********
# key Example
# -------------------------------------------------
# permaLink http://sunshout.cafe24.com/blog/
# description blala
# title
# mt_excerpt
# userid
# datePosted <DateTime ''19700101T00:00:00' at 22f698>
# content
# link
# mt_allow_comments
# dateCreated
# postid
# dateModified
# categories ['12']
# mt_allow_pings
# To Do List
# 1) explain struct
def getServer():
return xmlrpclib.Server(xmlrpcurl).metaWeblog
# Beautify plain text into html
# To Do:
# how to beautify plain text
# Current :
# send plain text
#def publish(text):
# import docutils.core
# return docutils.core.publish_parts(text, writer_name="html4css1")["body"]
# new post
def newpost(account, args):
"""Post an entry on webblog site."""
struct = {"title":args[0], "categories":[args[1]],
# if publish work
# "description":publish(args[2])}
# newPost(postId, username, password,
# {title, description, categories}, publish)
postid = getServer().newPost("", account[0], account[1], struct, True)
return postid
# register as "NEW"
# edit post
def editpost(account, args):
"""Edit an existed entry """
struct = {"title":args[1], "categories":[args[2]],
# "description":publish(args[3])}
# editPost(postId, username, password,
# {title, description, categories}, publish)
ret = getServer().editPost(args[0], account[0], account[1], struct, True)
print "modified post has be saved"
# register as "EDIT"
# get post
def getpost(account, args):
"""get an post from args
args = post number
# getPost(postid, username, password)
# return struct
struct = getServer().getPost(args[0], account[0], account[1])
return struct
# get categories if exist
def getcategories(account, args):
"""get categories if exist"""
# getCategories(blogid, username, password)
# return list of struct
# struct = {description, htmlURL, rssURL element}
category_list = getServer().getCategories('',account[0], account[1])
return category_list
methods["CATEGORIES"] = getcategories
# attach media object
def newmediaobject(account, args):
"""Upload an multimedia to blog site."""
struct = {"name":args[0], "type":type[1], "bits":bits[2]}
# newMediaObject(postId, username, password,
# {name, type, bits})
upload = getServer().newMediaObject("", account[0], account[1], struct)
print "url of upload:", upload["url"]
# register as "MEDIA"
def getrecentposts(account, args):
"""Get recently posted entries."""
# getRecentPosts(postid, username, password, numposts)
posts = getServer().getRecentPosts("", account[0], account[1],
len(args) == 0 and 5 or int(args[0]))
# pretty print posts
import time
for p in posts:
print "postid:", p["postid"]
print "title:", p["title"]
print "created date:", \
time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", \
time.strptime(p["dateCreated"].value, "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S"))
# register as "LIST"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# ---------------------------------------------
# use if you want get from command line
# ---------------------------------------------
#method = sys.argv[1]
#args = sys.argv[2:]
# TatterTools (ID, PW)
# ex) account = ['haha@paran.com', 'hahapassword']
account = ['put your id','put your password']
# example post's content
# if category name is not correct,
# then post without category
method = "NEW"
mytitle = 'Automatic Fund crawler'
mycategories = 'Asset/Fund'
mytext = """
<b>some contents</b>
html does not work
args = [mytitle,mycategories,mytext]
methods[method](account, args)
# example : get post
# post number : http://sunshout.cafe24.com/blog/128
#print methods["GET"](account,[128])
# example : get categories list
#print methods["CATEGORIES"](account,[])