Project Management
1. Communicate with all project stakeholders from day 1: team members, managers, project sponsors, clients, valued users, etc.
2. Create a risk reponse team as the first line of defense when problems occur.
3. Always hold a project kick-off meeting & include everyone
4. Start your project with a detailed work definition document - and make all stakeholders sign in agreement
5. Create a detailed work plan & model it off of previos, similar projects (if possible)
6. Document everything: steps, bottlenects, changes in scope, etc
7. Ask the team for feedback on your management methods & what you can do better to help them.
8. When stakeholders come to you with new project requests, show them how the change will affect your project timeline or budget.
9. If scope changes due to new requests, have everyone sign a new agreement document
10. Hold a wrap-up meeting after the project ends to discuss lessions learned & ways to improve for next time.
Don't Forget These 10 Project Management Best Practices (Infographic)
When studying project management, you've probably come across lots of tools and tips that you've wanted to try out, only to forget them a few weeks later. If you’re wrapped up in practicing the big-picture principles of project management, it’s easy to for
Kickoff Meeting 내용
Make the Project Kickoff Meeting Successfully
* Establish vision and deliverables: Set a common goal for everyone. Lay out what needs to get done an by when
* Identify team and set roles: Who does what? Create a list detaling who's responsible for what and include contact info for easy communication.
* Develop initial plan: Present your initial project plan, but understand tha details may shift during discussions whith your team at the kickoff. Know how you want to approach the project, but be flexible
* Define metrics for success: How will the project be measured? What will make it successful? Set expectation and goals early.
* Identify potential risks and bottlenecks: Prepare the team for potential roadblocks and have a process in place to handle them quickly should they arise.
* Establish logistics for team communication
* Choose work process or project management methodology: Establish which methodoligies and framework the team will follow to align work styles and expectations
* Decide which tools you'll use: Ensure everyone has the tools they need to accomplish their tasks.
The 5 Project Management Steps To Run Every Project Perfectly
The 5 Project Management Steps To Run Every Project Perfectly | Process Street | Checklist, Workflow and SOP Software
Use these project management steps to successfully carry out each and every project that you create.