
센서네트워크 in NS

sunshout 2006. 9. 18. 00:13
Install instructions for building and running nrlolsr in ns-2.27:1. Download nrlolsr source code by following either a or b steps.	a. Using cvs: 		1) make current directory /ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/ 		   or which ever ns-2 code directory you want to install nrlolsr in.		2) Log into cvs anonymously using "cvs -d login"		3) type "cvs -d co nrlolsr"		4) type "cvs -d co protolib"		5) type "cd nrlolsr"		6) create symoblic link named protolib pointing to ../protolib			"ln -s ../protolib protolib"	b. Using tar:		1) make current directory /ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27/		2) download nrlolsrdv(version).tgz into /ns-allinone-2.27/ns-2.27		3) type "tar -xvzf nrlolsrd(version).tgz"		4) create symbolic link protolib which points to nrlolsr/protolib			"ln -s nrlolsr/protolib protolib"		note: actual protolib source code is located in different 	      locations depending on method of downloading.2. Modify to include new source. If you have modifided or added code    to ns you must add changes manually to perserve your existing code.		a. Copy version) from /ns(ns-version)/nrlolsr/ns/ directory to /ns(ns-version)/		b. Manually modify by comparing your modified	   with /ns-2.27/nrlolsr/ns/ version) and adding lines which are not 	   currently in your Makefile.in3. Build new Makefile by running ./configure in your ns-2.27 directory.   Do not compile yet.4. Change your ns-2.27/common/packet.h file to include info on ProtolibManetKernel   add "#define HDR_ProtolibManetKernel(p) (hdr_ProtolibManetKernel::access(p))"       near the top of the file with the other #defines.   add "PT_ProtolibManetKernel," in the enum packet_t section   add "name_[PT_ProtolibManetKernel]= "ProtolibManetKernel";" in the p_info() section5. Change your ns-2.27/trace/cmu-trace.h file adding ProtolibManetKernel hooks   add "void	format_ProtolibManetKernel(Packet *p, int offset);" at the bottom with   	the other format_ functions.6. Change your ns-2.27/trace/ file adding ProtolibManetKernel hooks   add "#include <nrlolsr/ns/protolibManetKernel.h>" at the end of the #includes   add empty function:      "void CMUTrace::format_ProtolibManetKernel(Packet *p, int offset) {return;}"   add to the switch(ch->ptype()) (default one) statement   "	case PT_ProtolibManetKernel:		format_ProtolibManetKernel(p, offset);		break;"7. Change your ns-2.27/tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl file.   add to the "switch -exact $routingAgent" statement   "	ProtolibManetKernel {		set ragent [$self create-protolibmanetkernel-agent $node]  	}"   add along with other Simulator create functions   " 	Simulator instproc create-protolibmanetkernel-agent { node } {		# create a dummie wireless agent		# it will foward packets up to protolib manet		# and just act as a wedge into ns		# used by protolib wireless manets		set ragent [new Agent/ProtolibManetKernel [$node node-addr]]		$node set ragent_ $ragent		return $ragent   	}"8. Last edit! Change ns-2.27/queue/ file    add "case PT_ProtolibManetKernel:"   to the switch statment in the if(Prefer_Routing_Protocols) conditional (at top)9. Now we can compile the code by typing "make" in your ns directory10. Run the sample tcl file basicmhop.tcl located in the ns-2.27/nrlolsr/ns     "ns basicmhop.tcl"  the output should be some invalid options then...	ns-2.26 (this may be different have checked in a while)	Cbr agent0 received 28.197333333333333 Kbps	Cbr agent1 received 61.925333333333334 Kbps	Cbr agent2 received 67.637333333333331 Kbps		ns-2.27	Cbr agent0 received 17.861333333333333 Kbps	Cbr agent1 received 82.325333333333333 Kbps	Cbr agent2 received 73.802666666666667 Kbps11. Additional tcl file setup is required for your existing simulations please     follow the basicmhop.tcl for hints on how to set up an nrlolsr node in your     existing simulation tcl files.12. Psuedo multicast has also been added.  Check out the simpleworking.tcl    file to see how to set up and run a psuedo multicast simulation in a MANET     with nrlolsr.  Its not real multicast because it uses the broadcast address     and port numbers instead of multicast addresses.